Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Azerbaijani-Americans welcome the Mexican Congress resolution on Karabakh conflict

Chamber of Deputies
Azerbaijani-American Council (AAC) and Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA) join all Azerbaijani-Americans in expression of gratitude to the parliamentarians and to the people of Mexico for the resolution "Relative to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan" adopted at the 36th session of the Chamber of Deputies (lower house) of the Congress of Mexico on December 8, 2011.

The resolution introduced by Deputy Marcos Pérez Esquer in the Commission on Foreign Relations condemns the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other territories of Azerbaijan and recognizes the suffering of Azerbaijani people, including those who perished during the 1992 Khojaly genocide. Furthermore, the Chamber of Deputies requested Federal government to instruct Mexico's representative at the United Nations to facilitate activities urging the government of Armenia to comply with resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the UN Security Council. The resolution of Mexican legislature also appeals to the Republic of Armenia to cease all hostilities against Azerbaijani civilians, to immediately withdraw its forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and to refrain from any hostile acts that undermine regional security.

Since 1988, the people of Azerbaijan have been subjected to the military aggression by neighboring Armenia. The hostilities launched by Armenia in 1991-1994 resulted in nearly 30,000 civilian deaths, forceful displacement of over 1 million people and occupation of nearly one-fifth of Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory by Armenian forces. During the occupation of the town of Khojaly in February 1992, Armenian forces carried out a brutal mass killing of 613 fleeing Azerbaijani civilians, including 106 women, 63 children and 70 elders. According to Human Rights Watch, the incident was the worst massacre of the conflict. Many suspected perpetrators of this crime still remain in Armenia and the Armenian-occupied Azerbaijani territories, and are yet to be brought to justice.

Armenia's expansionist policy, which manifests itself through the utopian idea of carving "Greater Armenia" on the territories of neighboring nations, brought this country to a regional isolation and a brink of economic collapse. The ongoing occupation of Azerbaijani territories was strongly denounced by various reputable international bodies, including the United Nations, the Council of Europe, Organization of the Islamic Conference and others. 

Joining Azerbaijani-Americans, we once more welcome the resolution adopted by the Congress of Mexico to restore justice and to uphold the dignity and honor of the people of Azerbaijan. May this courageous decision by the Chamber of Deputies serve as an important beginning in an era of sincere friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijani and Mexican people.

Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA) is the oldest non-profit grassroots organization of Azerbaijani-Americans since 1957.
Azerbaijani-American Council (AAC) is the first academic grassroots organization of Azerbaijani-Americans since 2006.

"Relative to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan"
(Spanish original is available on the website of the Chamber of Deputies):

Legislative Process:
Proposal submitted by the Dep. Marcos Perez Esquer (PAN) on September 6, 2011. (LXI Legislature)

FIRST .- The Chamber of Deputies of the Congress condemns the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh territory of Azerbaijan and the deaths, injuries and humiliation caused to residents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, particularly those that took place during the " Khojaly genocide ", as well as those emanated from violations of the ceasefire established between the parties.

SECOND .- Deeply regrets that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia remains, and that no solution was found so far through different mechanisms implemented by stakeholders and international agencies; calls the parties to strengthen dialogue to resolve the conflict, considering it as the mechanism for the exchange of views and proposals that contribute to the strengthening of international relations at any time safeguarding the fundamental principles of peaceful coexistence among nations, such as self-determination of peoples, non-intervention, peaceful settlement of disputes, prohibition of the use of force in international relations, the legal equality of states, international cooperation for development and the struggle for peace and international security.

THIRD .- The Chamber of Deputies of the Congress is calling on the Federal Executive Power, within their respective competencies through our representation in the UN Organization, to file a report on the humanitarian crisis prevailing in the Republic of Azerbaijan and, within their powers, to call for an effective protection of the human rights of civilians in that country.

FOURTH .- The Chamber of Deputies of the Congress respectfully requests that the Federal Executive Power, within their respective jurisdictions, to instruct the representative of Mexico to the United Nations Organization, to take forward action it deems appropriate in order to urge the government of the Republic of Armenia to comply with resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 of the Security Council and with those issued by the Council of Europe.

FIFTH .- urges the Federal Executive Power, to the extent of their competence, to present on behalf of the Mexican state to international bodies, an appeal to the Republic of Armenia to conduct an immediate cessation of hostilities and acts of violence against Azerbaijani civilians, immediate withdrawal of armed forces in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and interested parties to refrain from any hostile act and interference or intervention that may cause a wider conflict and undermine peace and security in the region.

"Relativo al conflicto de Nagorno Karabaj entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán."
Proceso Legislativo:
Proposición presentada por el Dip. Marcos Pérez Esquer (PAN) el 6 de septiembre de 2011. (LXI Legislatura)

PRIMERO.- La Cámara de Diputados del Congreso de la Unión condena la ocupación del territorio de Nagorno Karabaj de la República Azerbaiyana y las muertes, lesiones y vejaciones causadas a pobladores de la República de Azerbaiyán, particularmente, las que tuvieron lugar en el denominado “Genocidio de Jodyalí”, así como las que se siguen verificando a partir de la violación al pacto de cese al fuego establecido entre las partes, con las cuales reanudaron las hostilidades.

SEGUNDO.- Lamenta profundamente que el conflicto entre las Repúblicas de Azerbaiyán y Armenia subsista, y que no haya encontrado solución a través de los distintos mecanismos puestos en marcha por los interesados y organismos internacionales; por lo que se exhorta a los diversos actores a fortalecer el diálogo para la solución del conflicto, considerando a éste como el mecanismo adecuado para el intercambio de opiniones y propuestas que coadyuven al fortalecimiento de las relaciones internacionales; salvaguardando en todo momento los principios fundamentales de la convivencia pacífica entre las naciones, como son la autodeterminación de los pueblos, la no intervención, la solución pacífica de controversias, la proscripción del uso de la fuerza en las relaciones internacionales; la igualdad jurídica de los estados; la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo y la lucha por la paz y la seguridad internacional.

TERCERO.- La Cámara de Diputados del Congreso de la Unión, hace un llamado al titular del Poder Ejecutivo federal a fin de que a través de nuestra representación en la Organización de Naciones, en el ámbito de sus respectivas competencias, presente una denuncia sobre la crisis humanitaria que prevalece en la República de Azerbaiyán, asimismo, para que con base en sus facultades, permitan proteger con eficacia los derechos humanos de la población civil en dicho país.

CUARTO.- La Cámara de Diputados del Congreso de la Unión, en el ámbito de sus respectivas competencias, solicita respetuosamente al titular del Poder Ejecutivo federal, a que instruya a la representación de México en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, para que impulse las acciones que estime pertinentes a fin de exhortar al gobierno de la República de Armenia a acatar las resoluciones 822, 853, 874 y 884 del Consejo de Seguridad y las emitidas por el Consejo de Europa.

QUINTO.- Se exhorta al titular del Poder Ejecutivo federal, a que en el ámbito de su competencia, presente a nombre del Estado mexicano, ante los organismos internacionales competentes, un exhorto a la República de Armenia a llevar a cabo la inmediata cesación de las hostilidades y actos de violencia en contra de civiles azerbaiyanos, el retiro inmediato de las fuerzas armadas en los territorios de la República de Azerbaiyán, y a las partes interesadas a abstenerse de todo acto hostil y de injerencia o intervención que pueda provocar una ampliación del conflicto y socavar la paz y seguridad de la región.

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